Organised Thoughts -- Never
Friday, August 26, 2005
Irrational Beginnings
Other blogging activites are intended to bring a semblance of organisation to my thoughts. This one, however, is intended as a place where ... non-catergorisable ideas can be unleashed upon the world. Or as a non-blogging friend would call it ... the paddock where my hobby horses can roam free.

I anticipate that much of what appears here will be politically incorrect. You might be offended. Perhaps by commenting you may persuade me to change my mind; though I have to tell you those hobby horses are carved from some rather dense wood.

Don't expect the spelling to be any better than the content either. My (un)organised thoughts arise out my dyslexia. What you can expect to see here is the occasional rambling on coping strategies for dyslexia. But being unorganised these may not appear as quickly as even I would like. Those hobby horses are dashed difficult to move.

So welcome as you accompany me on whatever length of journey you want. But forget about riding along on those hobby horses; those are all mine.
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